TOMB 72 (continuation)
front of the niche to the left of the entrance, a marble slab has been
found. On the slab a married couple is depicted. The hairdo is from
the time of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Elder (between 160
and 180 AD).
The couple is standing in a niche flanked by columns.
Above the columns are masks. The man has a scroll in his left
hand, with the other he is holding his wife.
Between them we see a winged cupid.
This popular scene was called a dextrarum
lunctio: married people giving each other
the right hand. On both sides of the niche four youths wear festoons
of fruit with two masks above.
Beneath the floor, originally equipped with
a black-and-white mosaic with flower motifs,
were burial places. Tomb 72 was richly decorated,
but only a few traces of these decorations have
been found.
for tomb 72A)