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Caseggiato I,VIII,5 - nr. 265

The building
Description and function This is a row of shops.
Date A complex building history, with Hadrianic, Antonine and later masonry.

Nr. 265
Description There is a west-east corridor between building I,VIII,5 to the west and I,VIII,9 to the east. In the north wall is a "centralized" stone. The stone is in a short stretch of brick wall, to the east of vittatum and to the west of another brick wall. There is a more or less round hole in the upper left part and a round hole with metal in the upper right part.
Date The brick wall with the stone has not been dated.
Measurements Meas. according to VdM, 265: starts at 0.80; l. 0.33, h. 0.25. Upper left hole: 0.03 x 0.05, depth 0.065. Upper right hole: diam. 0.03.

The opposite wall has almost completely disappeared.

Plan of the building

Plan of the building. After SO I.


The wall with the stone, seen from the south-west.

Detail of the stone, seen from the south.