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A bakery near the Caseggiato dei Dolii (I,IV,5)

The remains of a bakery near the House of the Dolia (I,IV,5; to the south of the museum) seem to be mentioned in an excavation report from 1878. The excavation is described of a room containing the lower part of a dolium. A liquid had left rings inside. It was connected with a basin to the south by means of a terracotta pipe. Then the discovery of fragments of millstones is mentioned: "Nel vano seguente sono stati trovati alcuni catini, e frammenti di catini di macine da grano, restaurati ab antico con grappe di bronzo impiombate".

The room with the dolium was apparently to the south of the museum, and is perhaps a room to the south-west of the large room with dolia defossa in the House of the Dolia. The presence of millstones nearby is mentioned by Carcopino in 1910: "Je laisse naturellement de côté les matériaux rapportés, comme les restes d'une meule en lave qu'on voit au pied de la terrasse du casone [the museum]"; "A l'entrée de B13 [the northernmost excavated room of I,V,2, to the north-west of the museum], un beau fragment de meule". These remains are perhaps to be identified as the three catilli (upper parts of millstones) in the garden next to the museum.

Areas of basalt paving were found to the south of the dolia of the House of the Dolia (I,IV,5; DeLaine 1995, 99).

Carcopino's plan from 1910 (pl. XIII). South is up.


The catilli in the garden next to the museum. Photos: Klaus Heese.

[jthb - 25-Nov-2022]