[Individual bakeries]
House of the Wooden Balcony (I,II,2.6)
House of the Millstones (I,III,1)
Shrine of Silvanus (I,III,2)
Bakery near I,IV,5
Building I,IX,2
Exedra I,XII,3
House of the Cistern (I,XII,4)
Mill-bakery I,XIII,4
Building with an oven (I,XVII,1)
House of the Ovens (II,VI,7)
Building II,VIII,9
[The book The Mills-Bakeries of Ostia]
Text and plates
House of the Millstones: Giornale degli Scavi
AutoCAD drawings (originals from the 1990's - zip)
AutoCAD drawings (file format 2013 - zip)
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The interior of a bakery on a relief from Rome in the Vatican Museums.
Photo: Eric Taylor.