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Regio II - Insula VIII - Quattro Tempietti (II,VIII,2)
(Four Small Temples)

The Four Small Temples were excavated in 1885-1886 by Rodolfo Lanciani. A large square in front of the temples was excavated in the years 1911-1915 by Dante Vaglieri and Roberto Paribeni. The complex was entered from the Decumanus, through a simple corridor between shops. Only the lower part of the temples has been preserved. The oldest phase is a foundation of tufa and pozzolana, 0.65 high, for four wooden tempels from the early second century BC. The next phase has opus quasi reticulatum from the first century BC. Some masonry (latericium and mixtum, particularly in the easternmost temple) belongs to restorations from the second century AD.

The temples were built on one large podium of opus incertum (33.50 x 11.55, 1.20 high) with a tufa cornice. They were reached from the south, by way of three staircases in front of the podium and two lateral ones. In front of the centre of the podium is a brick fountain decorated with marble. The temples are virtually identical. The vestibule (pronaos) of each temple had a total of six columns. The cella measures c. 5.75 x 5.30. Between the temples are corridors, with a floor of opus spicatum. Travertine thresholds have been preserved in the two easternmost temples.

Plan of the temples. After SO I.

Plan of the temples. From Paschetto 1912, fig. 106.


- I, II, III, IV: temples
- A: podium
- B, C, D: corridors
- E: fountain
- a: tufa cornice of podium
- b, c, d, e, f: staircases
- g: pilasters
- the dotted area in the cella of temple IV
indicates the position of the mosaic inscription

It is conceivable that these four temples are mentioned in an Ostian inscription from the first century BC, and therefore that they can be identified as temples of Venus, Fortuna, Ceres and Spes, built by Publius Lucilius Gamala: idem aedem Veneris sua pecunia constituit, idem aedem Fortunae sua pecunia constituit, idem aedem Cereris sua pecunia constituit ... idem aedem Spei sua pecunia constituit (CIL XIV, 375). The four gods may have been related to the river-harbour and the sea.

On the floor of the cella of the westernmost temple is a black-and-white mosaic with an inscription (2.52 x 1.15). The text mentions two duoviri ("mayors") of Ostia, Caius Fabius and a famous citizen, Caius Cartilius Poplicola. Their names are followed by five other names, some of freedmen. This mosaic was added in the last quarter of the first century BC.

The easternmost temple was restored in the Antonine period by a descendant of Publius Lucilius Gamala, with the same name, because an inscription informs us that he restored a temple of Venus: aedem Veneris impensa sua restituit (CIL XIV, 376). To this restoration testify stuccoed brick columns and opus mixtum in the cella. In the easternmost temple the new marble altar was found, with the text "Dedicated to Venus":


In front of the temples is a large square (c. 41 x 38 m.) that had a marble pavement. Four tufa altars were erected. In front of the second temple from the west was a concrete base that probably supported an equestrian statue. According to Coarelli an inscription that was found nearby belongs to it. It mentions the erection of an honorary monument, by decree of the local senate, for Quintus Asinius Marcellus, patron of Ostia.

In the fifth or early sixth century three people were buried in the area in front of the temples. Fibulae found in the tombs suggest that they came from Germania.

Photos and drawings

The area seen from the south. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The podium seen from the south. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The fountain in front of the podium. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The temples seen from the south-east. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The cella of the easternmost temple, seen from the south. Note the altar dedicated to Venus.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

Detail of the altar dedicated to Venus.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

Drawing of the mosaic inscription on the floor of the westernmost temple.
Black: preserved; white: read in 1886; dotted: suggested additions.
From Scavi di Ostia III, fig. 95.

Reconstruction of the temples, seen from the south-west, by Angelo Coccettini.

[jthb - 1-May-2022]