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Regio III - Insula XVII - Horrea III,XVII,1 and Terme
(Warehouse and Baths)

This store building has been dated to the Hadrianic period (opus mixtum). It is quite small and was probably privately owned. The main entrance, at the south side, was framed by brick pilasters. Inside are two rows of rooms on either side of a north-south central corridor with a well. The entrances to the rooms are 1.40 wide. The floors are of opus spicatum. In the north wall another entrance was made later. The threshold has a bolt hole and two pivot holes. In a few rooms in the south part of the building a tiny bath suite was built, with mosaic floors, in the fourth century (opus vittatum).

Plan of the horrea. After SO I.

Plan of the baths. Poccardi 2006, fig. 6.


The tiny baths seen from the south.
Photo: Eric Taylor.

Some vittatum walls belonging to the tiny baths, set against the mixtum walls of the horrea.
Seen from the north-east. Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

[jthb - 4-May-2022]