[Baths in Ostia]
Baths of the Forum (I,XII,6)
Baths of the bathing attendant Epictetus Buticosus (I,XIV,8)
Baths of Mithras (I,XVII,2)
Small Baths (I,XIX,5)
Baths in the Imperial Palace
Baths of the Coachmen (II,II,3)
Baths of Neptune (II,IV,2)
Baths below Via dei Vigili
Baths of the Christian Basilica (III,I,2-3)
Maritime Baths (III,VIII,2)
Baths in the House of the Dioscures (III,IX,1)
Baths of the Seven Sages (III,X,2)
Baths of the Trinacria (III,XVI,7)
Baths in Warehouse III,XVII,1
Baths of the Lighthouse (IV,II,1)
Byzantine Baths (IV,IV,8)
Baths IV,V,6
Baths of the Six Columns (IV,V,10-11)
Baths of the Skeleton (IV,IX,6)
Baths of Silenus (IV,IX,7)
Baths of the Marine Gate (IV,X,1-2)
Baths of Musiciolus (IV,XV,2)
Baths of the Philosopher (V,II,6-7)
Baths of the Jealous One (V,V,2)
Baths of the Swimmer (V,X,3)
Baths of Perseus
[Baths on the Isola Sacra]
Baths on the south-east part
Baths of Matidia, on the north-west part
[Baths in Portus]
Baths on Monte Giulio, in the harbour of Claudius
Baths of the Traveller, in the harbour of Trajan
Baths of the Small Lighthouse, in the harbour of Trajan
Warehouse-baths, in the harbour of Trajan
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Reconstruction drawing of Roman baths.