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Regio V - Insula XII - Horrea V,XII,2

This store building has been excavated only partly. The masonry has been dated to the Hadrianic period. Along the Decumanus are six shops. Between the shops is the entrance corridor, c. 2 meters wide. It leads to rooms around a courtyard. Near the entrance corridor is a staircase. Between this building and the Warehouse of Hortensius to the west is a narrow alley with some buttresses. In one of the east rooms the Shrine of Sabazius (V,XII,3) was found (described on a separate page).

Plan of the store building. After SO I.


The horrea seen from the north-east. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The horrea seen from the east. Photo: Klaus Heese.

[jthb - 9-May-2022]