Tomb 11 (early-Antonine)
In the centre of the long walls and the back wall is a semicircular niche for urns, once flanked by fluted, stucco columns. The niches have a yellow background framed by a blue band. In each niche was a depiction of one of the three Parcae, the Fates (taken to the museum). Atropos, wearing a blue mantle, holds an unrolled scroll. In the right hand of Lachesis, wearing a red mantle, are scales. In the niche of the back wall, so in a central position, is Clotho, wearing a blue dress and holding a distaff and spindle. On either side of these niches are rectangular niches, flanked by fluted columns, with floral motifs.
General view.
Photo: ICCD E041032.
The Parca Atropos.
Photo: ICCD E016995.
The Parca Lachesis.
Photo: ICCD E016994.
The Parca Clotho.
Photo: ICCD E016996.
A floral motif.
Photo: ICCD E041116.