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Tomb 15 (Antonine)

The paintings are in situ. Paintings with human figures have been preserved in three niches for urns: the semicircular niche in the centre of the back wall, and the rectangular niches in the centre of the long walls. The niche in the back wall has a white background between a lower and upper black band. Here a semi-nude female figure, wearing a purple mantle, is seen. She is flanked by two amorini carrying jewelry and a casket. This might be one of the deceased, depicted as Venus. The niches in the long walls have a yellow background between a lower and upper green band. In each niche is a semi-nude heroized, male figure wearing a red shoulder mantle. Each figure holds a thin lance with his right hand, in front of and along the body. The left figure is standing between two green columns.

General view.
Photo: ICCD E041029.

Painting of Venus between two amorini.
Photo: ICCD E041106.

Detail of an amorino.
Photo: ICCD E041177.

Painting of a standing man on the left wall.
Photo: ICCD E017005.

Painting of a standing man on the left wall.
Photo: AAR.

Painting of a standing man on the right wall.
Photo: ICCD E017004.

Painting of a standing man on the right wall.
Photo: AAR.