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Tomb 77 (second century)

In and between niches are birds, a sacrificial cake, and red flowers on a white background.

General view.
Photo: ICCD E041040.

General view.
Photo: ICCD E041041.

A bird.
Photo: ICCD E041135.

A bird.
Photo: ICCD E041137.

A bird.
Photo: ICCD E041117.

A bird.
Photo: ICCD E041205.

Sacrificial cake.
Photo: ICCD E041182.

Floral decoration.
Photo: ICCD E041115.

Floral decoration.
Photo: ICCD E041207.

Floral decoration.
Photo: Flickr, Lady Erin.

In a rectangular niche is a painting of a Satyr.

Photo: ICCD E017010.

In a semicircular niche a painting of the Three Graces has been preserved.

The Three Graces.
Photo: ICCD E016997.

The Three Graces.
Photo: ICCD E040795.