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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Bad Zurzach (Tenedo) - Early fortresses and vicus

Early fortresses and vicus
Late fortresses

In 1984-1985 the remains were found of four fortresses, a bit to the north of the town and at a distance of some 50 meters from the Rhine. They were made of wood and surrounded by moats. They were built during the reign of Augustus and in the first century. The discovery of the remains of barracks of the soldiers was the incentive for a model.

The model of the barracks of the soldiers (scale 1:10). Photos: Hidber - Roth-Rubi 1990, Abb. 5-8.

In this area a vicus developed. Amongst the wooden buildings were small baths (15 x 9 m.), consisting of five rooms, two of which with hypocausts for heating. A funerary inscription of a veteran named Certus, from the first half of the first century, was walled in in a church in Bad Zurzach in the 16th century. Certus' hometown was Vienne in France.

[---] M(arci) F(ilio) VOLT(inia) CERTO
[domo] VIEN(na) VETERAN(o)
[leg(ionis)] XIII GEMINAE
[--- h]EREDES FECER(unt)
For [---] Certus, son of Marcus, (of the tribe) Voltinia,
from Vienna, veteran
of Legio XIII Gemina,
[---] and Amianthus,
[---] his heirs, made this.
The funerary inscription of Certus. Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 385; EDCS-10800644. Photo: Wikimedia, Buchstapler.

Early fortresses and vicus
Late fortresses
