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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Bad Zurzach (Tenedo) - Late fortresses

Early fortresses and vicus
Late fortresses

In the town the remains were found of two fortresses, at localities Kirchlibuck (120 x 40-80 m.) and Sidelen (48 x 50 m.). The former was built around 300 AD, the latter probably during the reign of Valentinianus I (364-375 AD). Nearby were bridges over the Rhine.

Fortresses Sidelen and Kirchlibuck. Wikimedia, Veleius.

Extensive remains can be seen of the walls and of round and horseshoe shaped towers. The walls have a maximum thickness of 3.50 m.

The remains of the wall of Kirchlibuck. Photo: Wikimedia, André Corboz.

The remains of a horseshoe shaped tower of Kirchlibuck. Photo: Wikimedia, Roland Zumbuehl.

The remains of a round tower of Kirchlibuck. Photo: Wikimedia, André Corboz.

Between the two fortresses baths were excavated, the "Kastellbad" (25.50 x 10.30 m.). It was made up of five rooms, two with hypocausts. The warm bath had two tubs in apses.

Plan of the "Kastellbad". Hüsser 1940.

Model of the two fortresses and the baths by Marius Rappo. Photo: Bezirksmuseum Bad Zurzach.

A remarkable find was made in the town in 1939: the bronze lid of an inkwell, with a hole for the reed-pen (calamus). It carries the inscription "Caius Scribonius Faustus made this in Rome".

The top of the lid. Diam. 0.038. Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 388. Photo: EDCS-28900044.

Early fortresses and vicus
Late fortresses
