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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Baden (Aquae Helveticae) - The silver hoard

Houses and workshops
The silver hoard

In 1633 a silver hoard was found to the south-east of the city, in Wettingen. Drawings were made of the objects, but unfortunately they were melted down. The hoard consists of two groups: an earthenware vessel with silver coins from the third century, and eight silver vessels. The hoard must have been buried in the years 250-260 AD, because of Alemannic threats.

Drawing of the silver hoard from Wettingen. From M. Merian - M. Zeiler, Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae, Frankfurt 1654.

Inscriptions on the vessels mention Mercurius Matutinus and Mars Miltaris. One vessel has depictions of the seven planetary deities: Saturnus, Venus, Jupiter, Mercurius, Mars, Luna and Sol. Another was decorated with many religious symbols. References have been recognized to Cybele, Apollo and Diana, Dionysus, Mars, Saturnus, Neptunus, Sabazius, Mithras and Fortuna. On one of the handles Victoria and Mercurius are depicted.

Detail of the planetary deities and of the religious symbols. Keller 1864(2), Taf. XIII.

Detail of Victoria and Mercurius. Keller 1864(2), Taf. XIV.

Houses and workshops
The silver hoard
