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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Koblenz (Summa Rapida)

A watchtower was discovered to the east of Koblenz, a village at the confluence of the rivers Aare and Rhine. It was excavated in 1896, 1906 and 1932. The tower is a square with sides of 8.05 m., and with walls 1.50-1.60 m. thick. It was surrounded by a ditch, 2.00 m. wide and 1.10 m. deep. The threshold of the door has been preserved, with a raised edge and a pivot hole.

The remains of the watchtower. Photo: Google Maps, Daniel Rieder.

Next to the tower the left part of an inscription was found, dated to 371 AD and recording the construction. The spot was called Summa Rapida, "Upper Rapids", named after the Kleiner Laufen, at the confluence of the Rhine and the Wutach.

SALVI[s ddd(ominis) nnn(ostris)]
VALENTE E[t Gratiano]
PER(petuis) TR(iumphatoribus) SENP[er Auggg(ustis)]
CONSVL(ibus) D(omino) N(ostro) GRATIANO [II et
     Probo v(iro) c(larissimo)]
For the safety of of our Lords
Valens and Gratianus,
ever victorious and everlasting Augusti,
at Summa Rapida [---]
erected under the supervision of [---]
when our Lord Gratianus for the 2nd time and
     Probus, most distinguished man, were consuls.
The inscription documenting the construction. Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 390; EDCS-12300041.
Photo: Ewald-Schelker 1975, Abb. 2.


Heierli 1907(1); Schulthess 1907; Hartmann-Weber 1985, 177; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 485-486; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 151-152; Schwarz - Ammann - Deschler-Erb 2014.
