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Villas - Aargau - Möhlin-Chleematt

At the locality Chleematt in Möhlin, in the north-west part of the canton, the main building of a villa was excavated on two occasions: in 1983-1984 and in 2020.

Aerial view of the excavations in 1983-1984. Photo: Baerlocher 2020, Abb. 1.

The building measured 70 x 30 m. The facade consisted of a porticus between two tower-like projections. In the east part were bathing rooms, some with hypocausts. One of the living rooms in the central part was heated as well. Some floors were decorated with polychrome mosaics of glass tesserae, some walls with marble. Behind these rooms was a corridor or colonnade, five meters wide, with a view on a garden and the Rhine. Among the finds were parts of an ornate lead bathtub, the forearm of a half-life-sized marble statue, and a silver spoon. The villa was built in the middle of the first century.

Plan of the villa. Hartmann-Weber 1985, 183.

To the north of the garden walls have been found of a few other buildings, including more bathing rooms.

Aerial view of the bathing rooms to the north of the villa. Photo: Baerlocher 2020, Abb. 6.


Maier 1984; Hartmann-Weber 1985, 183-184; Baerlocher 2020.
