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Cities, villages, fortresses - Glarus - Filzbach-Vordemwald

A watchtower was investigated in 1959 in Filzbach at the locality Vordemwald. Remains can still be seen near hotel Römerturm, to the south of the west end of the Walensee.

Remains of the watchtower. Photo: Wikimedia, Paebi.

The tower, built 320 meters above the Walensee, measured 13.70 x 12 m., with walls 1.30-2.50 thick. In the interior was a water reservoir. The tower was flanked by two curved walls, 0.75 m. thick, creating an area 40.50 m. wide. The tower was built in the late first century BC, in relation to the military campaign of 16/15 BC, and used only briefly.

Plan of the watchtower. Legler-Staub et al. 1960, Abb. 1.


Legler-Staub - Laur-Belart - Grüninger 1960; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 395-396; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 115, 186; Roth-Rubi et al. 2004.
