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Cities, villages, fortresses - Glarus - Mollis-Hüttenböschen

In 1962 and 1964 the remains of a Gallo-Roman temple were excavated in the Hüttenböschen, part of the former municipality Mollis, some 100 meters to the west of the Walensee. Today the Hüttenböschen is a slightly elevated piece of land, 1.5 m. high and with a diameter of about 50 m. In the past it was a tiny island in a swampy area.

The west end of the Walensee and Weesen (Sankt Gallen), seen from the watchtower at Filzbach.
The remains of the temple were on the shore of the lake to the left. Photo: Wikimedia, Nobodystranger.

The temple was built in the late first or early second century, and used until the fourth century. The foundation platform of the cella and the ambulatory rested on wooden posts. It measured 13.50 x 12 m. Many animal bones testify to sacrifial meals. Documented are the horse, cattle, elk, deer, roe deer, eagle, and bear.

Reconstruction drawing of the temple. Laur-Belart 1963, Abb. 6.


Laur-Belart 1963; Schmid 1966; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 445; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 179-180.
