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Villas - Luzern - Buchs-Chammeren

In 1988 27 villas had been identified in the canton of Luzern, seven of these under Mediaeval churches. Most of these villas were investigated only superficially. A villa near Buchs (about six kilometers to the north-west of Sursee), at the locality Chammeren, was partly excavated as early as 1837. Mosaic floors and a hypocaust forming part of baths were then found. In the years 2010-2013 the villa was investigated in more detail. First remoting sensing was used (geoelectric prospecting), leading to a good plan. It was followed by some trenches. The villa was built in the first or second century, and destroyed by a fire in the middle of the third.

Plan of the villa, based on the remote sensing. Lawrence 2015(1), Abb. 4.


Wanner-Fellmann 2013; Lawrence 2015(1); Lawrence 2015(2). For villas in Grossdietwil and Hitzkirch see Meyer-Freuler 1988.
