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Villas - Schaffhausen - Beringen-Lieblosental

In the 1880's a villa was excavated to the north of Beringen, in the Lieblosental. An enclosing wall was found around an area that measured 62 x at least 110 m. The main house (C) had two tower-like projections. To the west of a large hall were three small rooms, with a hearth in the central one. Two bathing rooms, one with a hypocaust, were later added in the south-west part. Part of a lead water conduit was found. To the south were secondary buildings (A, B). Datable finds (ceramics and coins) were from the first three centuries.

Plan of the villa. Keller 1886, Taf. XXIII.

View of the Lieblosental. Photo: Wikimedia, Tschubby.


Anzeiger für schweizerische Alterthumskunde 5 (1884-1887), 228-229, 252; Keller 1886; Wanner 1899, 31ff.; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 362-363.
