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Cities, villages, fortresses - Schaffhausen - Schleitheim (Iuliomagus) - The baths

The baths
Houses and workshops
The temples

Baths were excavated in 1974-1975. They can today be seen in a protective building, the Thermenmuseum Iuliomagus.

View of the baths in the protective building. Photo: Aargauer Zeitung.

Plan of the baths. Drack-Fellmann 1988, Abb. 469.
2: praefurnium, later frigidarium; 3-4: caldarium; 6-7: caldarium, later frigidarium and tepidarium; 8-9: tepidarium,
later partly caldarium; 10: praefurnium; 12: tepidarium, later apodyterium; 13-14: frigidarium; 16: corridor;
17: apodyterium; 18: porticus; 19: palaestra; 20: corridor; 21: laconicum, later apodyterium.

Five building phases have been recognized. The first building, about which little is known, was erected in the third quarter of the first century. It was rebuilt after a fire, still in the first century. The baths now included a palaestra for sports (19), and apart from the warm, lukewarm and cold rooms also a sweating room (21). Several rooms were given a different function in the next three phases. In the early second century the baths were enlarged, and a porticus was built around the palaestra. In a later phase the building was slightly reduced in size. The fifth and final phase has been dated to the first half of the third century.

Reconstruction drawing of the baths, second building phase. Bürgi-Hoppe 1985, Abb. 9.

A unique discovery was part of a large lead tub. It was a cylindrical basin, originally around 1.15 m. high, with a diameter of 1.20 m. and a capacity of around 1000 liters. The lower part was decorated with hunting scenes. The basin stood in an apse (4) of caldarium 3, on a sandstone foundation. It was used as a standing tub, but later converted into a water tank with an overflow pipe.

The fragments of the lead tub and a drawing of the hunting scenes (w. 0.465, h. 0.055) on the lower part.
Photo: Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen. Drawing: Bossert 1979, Abb. 6.

The baths
Houses and workshops
The temples
