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Cities, villages, fortresses - Schaffhausen - Schleitheim (Iuliomagus) - The temples

The baths
Houses and workshops
The temples

A temple complex was found on gently sloping terrain at the locality Hinder Muren / Hinter Mauern. On one side part of an enclosing wall was found, next to a street that was 2.50 m. wide. At the highest point was the main temple (1), separated from the rest of the temple area by an inner wall. It was a Gallo-Roman temple, measuring 16.50 x 21.00 m., with a pronaos and a cella standing on a podium with a colonnade. It was reached via a staircase, 7 m. wide. Fragments of wall paintings were found. A nearby building (2) has been called the house of a priest. The entrance to the complex may have been a bit further down the slope (3). Two buildings were identified for the first time on aerial photos (4, 5). Building 5 was another Gallo-Roman temple, measuring about 10 x 10 m. In 1851 Martin Wanner reported the discovery by a farmer of the inscription VE[nu]S G[enetrix] below the relief of a figure. It is considered another product of Wanner's imagination.

Plan of the temple complex. North is to the right. Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen.
1, 5: temples; 2: house of a priest (?); 3: building near the entrance; 4: building seen on aerial photos.

Reconstruction of the temple complex. Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen.

The baths
Houses and workshops
The temples
