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Villas - Schaffhausen - Schleitheim-Lendenberg

In 1870 Anton Pletscher excavated part of a villa near Schleitheim at the locality Lendenberg. The building measured 21.15 x 17.20 m. More investigations took place in 1943, 1978, and 2004. Rooms 3 and 4 were cellars, the western one accessible from the north via a ramp. Room 2 had a hypocaust. The ceramics were mostly from the second and early third century.

Reconstruction and plan of the villa at the locality Lendenberg. Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen.


Wanner 1899, 20; Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 88 (2005), 365-366.
