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Cities, villages, fortresses - Solothurn - Olten - The castrum

The vicus
The castrum

A fortress (castrum) was built in the south part of the settlement, probably during the reign of Constantine, perhaps in the years 325-330 AD.The bell-shaped plan of the fortress can still be recognized in the old town centre, because the enclosing wall with its towers had become part of a Mediaeval wall. Later houses were built on top.

Plan of the fortress. Nold 2021, Abb. 2.

Aerial view of the old centre of Olten. The coloured part coincides with the fortress. Photo: Nold 2021, Abb. 1.

Already in the early 19th century segments of the wall of the fortress were identified. Unfortunately segments were torn down in the 20th century, including a stretch that had been preserved to a height of six meters. Today some remains can be seen in the cellars of houses. There was a gate on the west side. So far no remains have been found along the river. The wall was 3.00-4.10 m. thick.

Remains of the wall of the fortress on the Klosterplatz in the late 19th century. Photo: Nold 2021, Abb. 13.

The vicus
The castrum
