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Cities, villages, fortresses - Solothurn - Olten - Introduction

The vicus
The castrum

In Olten, on the river Aare, a settlement (vicus) started to develop in the early first century. There may have been a bridge over the river at the south end of the settlement. In the early fourth century a fortress (castrum) was built. It has been suggested that the ancient name was Olitio, which is found in the Notitia Dignitatum Occidentis (36,5) in the province Maxima Sequanorum.

Plan of Olten with archaeological sites. Tortoli 2016, Abb. 10.

The vicus
The castrum


Von Arx 1909; Von Arx 1921; Stähelin 1923; Stähelin 1931, 570-571; Müller 1969; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 461-463; Meier 1990; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 197-198; Schucany 1999; Tortoli 2016; Tortoli 2018; Schinzel 2018; Tortoli-Stopp 2021; Wullschleger 2021; Nold 2021.
Plus: Jahresbericht/Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 17 (1925), 74-80; 27 (1935), 56-57; 49 (1962), 82-83; 51 (1964), 118; 56 (1971), 221-222; 58 (1974-1975), 189; 62 (1979), 150; 68 (1985), 257-258; Jahrbuch für Solothurnische Geschichte 38 (1965), 269-279; Archäologie und Denkmalpflege im Kanton Solothurn 1 (1996), 68-77.
