Water was taken to the city by six or seven aqueducts (underground channels), with sources to the east and south-east of the city. The shortest aqueduct was only 200 meters long, the longest 19.5 kilometers.
Map with the aqueducts. Grezet 2006, fig. 6.On the Murtensee, 1.3 km. away, a harbour was built at the locality Les Joncs. A first quay, measuring 100 x 32-36 m., was built in the first decade of the first century. The harbour was connected with the city by a street, 7 m. wide, and by a canal leading to the artisanal En Chaplix quarter to the north of the city. The canal was almost 800 m. long and 7 m. wide. Dendrochronology has provided a date of 125 AD. There has been speculation that it was built by Caius Camillius Paternus, whose name was preserved on a column, the support of a statue, that was found near the north end of the canal.
Map of the area to the north of the city. 1: harbour; 2: road: 3: canal; 4: funerary-religious complex at En Chaplix; 5: Villa at Le Russalet.
SER(vus)For Silvanus
of Caius Camillius
slave.Reconstruction of the support of a statue
set up by Aprilis, slave of Caius Camillius Paternus.
Total h. 3.80.
EDCS-05000641; Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 158.
De Pury-Gysel 2012(2), Abb. 46.