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Cities, villages, fortresses - Vaud (Waadt) - Avenches (Aventicum) - Late antiquity

Lay-out, city wall, houses
The forum and its surroundings
The Derrière la Tour palace
The West Sanctuary Precinct
The Cigognier and Au Lavoëx temples
The theatre and the amphitheatre
Lost mosaics
Aqueducts, harbour, canal
The cemeteries
Late antiquity

The city was not completely abandoned after the invasions of the later third century. The theatre was converted into a fortress around 300 AD: it was surrounded by a moat that was 7 m. wide and 2 m. deep. To the south of the city a fortification seems to have been built in late antiquity, perhaps at the end of the fourth century, at the locality Bois de Châtel. Remains of walls were found here that were 2 m. thick. In one wall was a gate that was 6.50 m. wide and flanked by polygonal towers. Remains were not found on the side turned towards the city, so the fortification may not have been finished.

Plan of the theatre with a moat added around 300 AD. De Pury-Gysel 2012(2), Abb. 48.

Coins from the fourth to the sixth century were found. High-quality marble wall decoration points to the presence of wealthy inhabitants in the fourth or early fifth century. A few Christian objects were found: a bronze ring with a Christian cross, and two glass vessels from tombs with the words Vivas in Deo, "May you live in God", and Pie zeses, "Drink, may you live". Bishops of the city are documented in the sixth century. The seat of the bishop, of which the location is unknown, was transferred to Lausanne in 592 AD. Two churches from the fifth or sixth century are known: St. Martin to the west of the West Sanctuary Precinct, and St. Symphorien, in the area of the Grange des Dîmes temple.

The two glass vessels with the Christian inscriptions. Photo: Wikimedia, Fanny Schertzer.

Lay-out, city wall, houses
The forum and its surroundings
The Derrière la Tour palace
The West Sanctuary Precinct
The Cigognier and Au Lavoëx temples
The theatre and the amphitheatre
Lost mosaics
Aqueducts, harbour, canal
The cemeteries
Late antiquity
