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Cities, villages, fortresses - Valais (Wallis) - Martigny - Christianity

The forum
Houses and workshops
Baths and water supply
Gallo-Roman temples
The precinct of temple II
The mithraeum
The amphitheatre

A bishop of Martigny is documented as participant in the Council of Aquileia in 381 AD: Theodorus, episcopus Octodorensis. Between 1990 and 1993 remains of a church were excavated below the church of Notre-Dame de la Visitation, to the north of the city. It was installed in the middle of the fourth century inside an older complex, probably a suburban villa. A hall was built (9.30 x 3.80 m.) with a large apse. In the second half of the fourth century the church was enlarged and a small baptistery was added.

Plan of the early church. E: hall; B: baptistery. Wiblé 2008, fig. 238.

The remains of the baptistery. Photo: Wiblé 2008, fig. 237.

The forum
Houses and workshops
Baths and water supply
Gallo-Roman temples
The precinct of temple II
The mithraeum
The amphitheatre
