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In the virtual museum of Ostia you will find two categories: photos of many objects in the museum and storage rooms (by inventory number), and old photos of the buildings and their decoration, taken by the National Italian Photographic Archive (ICCD).


The museum and the storage rooms

  • Photos of around 1900 objects, by inventory number
  • The buildings and their decoration on old photos, made by the ICCD.
    The city
  • Regio I
  • Regio II
  • Regio III
  • Regio IV
  • Regio V
  • The burial places
  • Porta Romana necropolis
  • Porta Laurentina necropolis
  • Isola Sacra necropolis
  • Building not identified

    Plates of the mosaics published in Scavi di Ostia IV: see the topic Mosaics.

    The real museum: facade

    The facade of the museum of Ostia. Photo: Wikimedia, Kaga tau.