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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Windisch (Vindonissa) - Amphitheatre

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets

An amphitheatre has been found 330 meters to the south-west of the camp. A first amphitheatre, made of wood, burned down in the middle of the first century. It was then replaced by a stone amphitheatre with wooden seats for some ten thousand spectators (outside measurements 112 x 98 m., inside measurements 68 x 55 m.).

Aerial view of the amphitheatre. Photo: Hartmann-Weber 1985, Abb. 36.

Amphitheatre, detail of the interior. Photo: Wikimedia, Roland zh.

Between the amphitheatre and the camp is a large rectangular building (160 x 140 m.), built around the middle of the first century. Around a courtyard (120 x 105 m.) are halls and rooms. It has been regarded as a forum, either monumental or a market, but was more likely the campus, the parade ground of the legions.

Reconstruction drawing of the campus, the parade ground of the legions. Trumm 2013, Abb. 6.

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets
