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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Windisch (Vindonissa) - Temples

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets

To the west of the principia, on the other side of the main north-south street, a small temple was found, traditionally called Temple of Mars. It has been dated to the second half of the first century. Near the temple bronze and terracotta statuettes, votive altars, and inscribed bronze tabulae ansatae were found. Many of the latter are ex-votos to Mars, but Silvanus, Fortuna and the Genius of the legion are documented as well.

Inscribed bronze tabulae ansatae found near the Temple of Mars. The one top centre is of a gladiarius, a swordsmith. Lawrence 2018, Abb. 20.

In 1962 a Gallo-Roman temple was discovered 40 meters to the south of the camp (10 x 10 m., with a cella measuring 6 x 6 m.). It is not clear to which deity it was dedicated. Another Gallo-Roman temple outside the camp, to the west, was discovered in 2007. It measured 9.90 x 8.50 m. and was already in use in the first century. An inscription documenting the construction or a restoration of the temple shows that it was dedicated to Mercurius (EDCS-55701946). However, other deities were also worshipped here, witness the discovery of a small bronze votive axe with a dedication to Apollo.

The miniature axe and details of the front and back of the head, with the text IVLIA APOLLINI V(otum) S(olvit) L(ibens) M(erito).
Length 0.095. Kolb et al 2022, nr. 21; EDCS-55701947. Photo: Lawrence 2018, Abb. 69.

In 1912 a small temple was found to the east of the camp. Amongst the finds were altars with dedications to the Nymphs and Apollo.

C(aius) Viselius
veteranus leg(ionis)
XI C(laudiae) P(iae) F(idelis)
v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito)
For the nymphs.
Caius Viselius
veteran of legion
XI Claudia Pia Fidelis,
gladly and deservedly fulfilled the vow
L(ucius) Munatius M(arci)
f(ilius) Ter(etina) Gallus
For Apollo.
Lucius Munatius, son of
Marcus, of the tribe Teretina, Gallus
Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 446. Photo: EDCS-12200158. Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 427. Photo: EDCS-12200151.

Finally an inscription can be mentioned here that was found out of context in the vicinity. It documents the restoration of a temple of Jupiter that was destroyed by a fire.

[I]N HONO[rem ---]
IOVIS TEMPLV[m incendio]
VERNAE DISP[ensatoris]
VICANIS VIND[onissensibus]
DE SVO RE[stituit]
In honour of [---]
the temple of Jupiter by a fire
Asclepiades [---],
of the homeborn slave, of the steward,
for the villagers of Vindonissa
restored at own cost.
Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 530. Photo: EDCS-10800599.

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets
