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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Windisch (Vindonissa) - Baths and hospital

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets

In the centre of the camp were baths (72 x 43 m.), built by the 21st legion. The entire building was excavated during several campaigns, ending in 1930. The building was decorated with mosaics and paintings.

Plan of the baths. From F. Yegül - D. Favro, Roman Architecture and Urbanism, 2019.

Reconstruction drawing of the caldarium. Laur-Belart 1931, Abb. 18.

Fragments of paintings from the baths. Laur-Belart 1931, Taf. 11.

Fragments of paintings from the baths. Laur-Belart 1931, Taf. 13.

A bit to the north-east of the baths was the military hospital (valetudinarium), excavated in 1936. In the second half of the first century a stone building (70 × 63.80 m) replaced a wooden predecessor. Around a courtyard (39 x 21.30 m.) were two concentrically arranged rows of rooms, separated by a corridor 4 m. wide. The entrance was probably on the west side. A small silver statuette of Mercurius was found.

Plan of the hospital. Simonett 1937, Abb. 12.

Reconstruction drawing of the hospital. Archäologie Schweiz 36,3 (2013), Abb. 5.
1: entrance; 2: entrance hall; 3: corridor; 4: rooms for the sick; 5: room for examination or storage;
6: courtyard; 7: shrine or operating room; 8: herb garden (?); 9: waiting room or office.

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets
