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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Windisch (Vindonissa) - Military headquarters and houses

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets

The original camp was made of wood and earth. It measured about 360 x 350 m. and was surrounded by a moat, 4 m. wide and 2 m. deep. The 21st legion gave the fortress its final shape, using stone for the buildings. The new fortification wall was 3-3.5 meters thick and was surrounded by two moats, 7.80 and 4.80 m. wide and 2 m. deep. Two main roads were built inside the camp, the west-east one 560 m. long and 6 m. wide, the north-south one 420 m. long and 4 m. wide. They led to four gates flanked by towers, with passages for wagons and pedestrians.

Remains of the north gate. Photo: Wikimedia, Didia.

At the intersection of the two main roads of the camp were the headquarters (principia) and the residence of the legion commander (praetorium). The headquarters, on the north side, consisted of a courtyard surrounded by rooms on the north, west and east sides. The fourth side, beyond the main road, was taken up by a basilica with three naves, the basilica principiorum. Porticoes were added to the courtyard in the later first century. The standards of the legion were kept in the central, apsidal room of the basilica (A on the plan). In the centre of the courtyard was a water basin (B; 3.50 x 3.50 m.).

The principia and the praetorium in the period of the 21st legion (left) and at the end of the first century (right). Lawrence 2018, Abb. 9 and 14.

Reconstruction drawing of the basilica principiorum at the end of the first century. Lawrence 2018, Abb. 16.

Like the commander of the legion, the military tribunes had their own houses, located a bit to the west of the intersection of the two main roads.

Plan of houses A and B of the military tribunes. Jahresbericht Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa 1955-1956, 13 Abb. 5.

A large part of the camp was of course taken up by the barracks of the soldiers.

Plan of some of the barracks, to the north of the baths. Jahresbericht Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa 1953-1954, 41 Abb. 15.

Military headquarters and houses
Baths and hospital
The writing tablets
