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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Bern-Engehalbinsel - Temples

Houses and workshops
Villa or sanctuary

Three Gallo-Roman temples were found towards the south. Temples I and II were situated some 40 meters to the east of the main street. They were only four meters apart. On top of temple I the Christian Aegidius-Chapel had been built in the 14th century, but this was demolished in the 1530's. The temple measured 21.50 x 17.50 m., with a cella of 10 x 8.80 m. The other temple measured 19.60 x 17.90 m., with a cella of 10.50 x 9.10 m.

Plan of temple I with the walls of the Christian chapel on top. Wiedemer 1909, Abb. 5.

Plan of temple II. Tschumi 1933, 89.

The third temple was discovered in 1969, below the remains of a mediaeval farm. It was located about 40 m. to the south-west of the other two, measured 14.20 x 13.80 m., and had a square cella with sides of 7.60 m. A fragment of an almost life-sized statue of tufa was found, unfortunately not large enough for identification. Votive coins were found in the cella, their dates ranging from the early first to the late second century.

View of the remains of the third temple and of the mediaeval farm. Photo: Grütter 1973, 3.

Plan of the remains of the third temple and of the mediaeval farm (hatched). Grütter 1973, 4.

Many fragments of an inscription were found in front of the cella entrance, close together, with the writing side down (one more fragment had already been found in the area in 1879). It was made of limestone and had an incised tabula ansata. It must originally have been placed above the outer entrance of the temple.

IN HONO[rem do]MV[s]
EX [s]TIPIBVS [---]
[re]GION[is] O[---]
[O]TACIL(ius) SECCIVS II[vir ---]
In honour of the divine
house [---]
from donations [---]
of the region [---]
Otacilius Seccius, mayor [---]
Reconstructed meas. 1.71 x 0.72 m. Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 321. Photo and drawing: EDCS-10800567.

The last part of the second line probably contained the name of the deity to whom the temple was dedicated. The region in the fourth line must be a subdivision of an Imperial domain that was supervised by a procurator. The family of the Otacilii is documented quite well in Aventicum (Avenches VD). The Otacilius mentioned in the last line was probably mayor (duovir) of that city.

Reconstruction drawing with the temples. Lawrence 2010, Abb. 6.

Houses and workshops
Villa or sanctuary
