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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Studen (Petinesca) - Introduction

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour

Studen is located to the north-east of the Bielersee and very close to the two watchtowers of Aegerten on the river Aare. The Roman village to the west of Studen has been identified, already in 1656, with Petinesca in the Itinerarium Antonini and Petenisca on the Tabula Peutingeriana, between Aventicum (Avenches VD) and Salodurum (Solothurn). The name has not been preserved in inscriptions.

Petenisca on the Tabula Peutingeriana, between Aventicum and Salodurum.

The earliest activity in the Roman period has been dated to the early first century: work on a large scale took place in a gravel quarry, presumably for the construction of roads (a quarry is still active today).

Map of the area. Zwahlen et al. 2020, Abb. 1.

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour


Plantin 1656, 217-218; Amiet 1875; Schmid 1887; Lanz-Bloesch 1906; Wiedmer-Stern 1907; Stähelin 1931, 571; Schweizer 1938; Tschumi 1939; Grütter 1964(1); Von Kaenel 1978(2); Drack-Fellmann 1988, 519-523; Zwahlen-Koenig 1990; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 256-258; Bacher 1992; Bacher 1993; Zwahlen 1993; Bacher-Ramseyer 1994; Müller 1994; Zwahlen et al. 1995; Zwahlen et al. 2002; Bacher et al. 2006; Zwahlen et al. 2007; Martin-Kilcher 2008; Schneider-Zwahlen 2010; Ulrich-Bochsler - Zwahlen 2011; Zwahlen-Gubler 2011; Gubler 2012; Zwahlen 2012(1); Gubler-Lösch 2013; Buess-Zwahlen 2018; Rohrbach-Balser-Camenzind 2018; Lauper-Peter-Rohrbach 2019; Zwahlen et al. 2020; Aebersold-Kissling 2022.
