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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Studen (Petinesca) - Bridge and harbour

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour

In antiquity there was a branch of the river Aare to the east of the settlement, 20-30 m. wide. The area (locality Wydenpark) was investigated in 2007-2011 by Regula Gubler. A street running parallel to the former river was found. It was seven meters wide and had a surface of gravel. At the north end it turned towards a bridge. Some remains of the bridgehead, big posts, were identified. The west bank of the river was reinforced by a dam made of wooden posts, horizontal beams and stone. It will have been used as a mooring place for ships. With the help of dendrochronology the work has been dated to the late first and early second century.

Map of the area. Gubler 2012, Abb. 2.

Posts of the bridge and dam. Gubler 2012, Abb. 11.

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour
