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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Studen (Petinesca) - Mansio, gate and fortification

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour

In the years 1898-1904 excavations were carried out in the south-east part of the site. A large building was found, measuring 60 x 50 m. It has been interpreted as a mansio, a stopping place and inn, which may also have been a mutatio, a place to change horses. In many rooms hearths were found. To the north, in an annex with a porticus, a millstone and an oven testified to the baking of bread. In the south-east corner were bathing rooms, some with hypocausts.

Plan of the mansio, gate and fortification. Drack-Fellmann 1988, Abb. 485.

A bit to the south the remains of a gate were found. It was square, with sides of 13 m. and a passage 3.60 m. wide. It has been dated to the third century. Next to it, on the west side, a small fortification was added in the fourth century. Its walls were 3 m. thick.

View of the excavations of the gate in 1898. Photo: Neues Museum Biel.

The remains of the gate. Photo:, Werner Doenni.

Reconstruction drawing of the gate.

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour
