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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Studen (Petinesca) - Houses and workshops

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour

In the south part rescue excavations were carried out in the years 1985-1992. The work was published in an exemplary way by a team led by Rudolf Zwahlen. Remains were found of some wooden houses, built along a road at the south end of the site (locality Vorderberg). A smithy and a metal workshop could be identified.

Reconstruction drawing of some of the wooden houses. Zwahlen et al. 1995, Abb. 108.

In the second and third century the wooden houses were gradually replaced by buildings made of stone and half-timbered. Tanners were active now. The buildings were given up in the middle of the third century.

Plan of the houses. Zwahlen et al. 2020, Abb. 5.

View of the excavations of house 18. Zwahlen et al. 2020, Abb. 167.

House 18, room 5. Zwahlen et al. 2020, Abb. 177.
To the left a collapsed half-timbered wall and to the right the collapsed mortar ceiling, with the impressions of the rods used for the fastening.

Numerous objects were discovered: ceramics, glass vessels, brooches, gems, fragments of paintings, and so on. A few highlights are shown below.

Fragments of glass vessels. Zwahlen et al. 2020, Abb. 270.

Top left. Stilus.
Top right. Gem with a heroic figure.
Bottom left. Ring and gem with a heroic figure.
Bottom right. Carnelian with Minerva carrying Victoria.

Zwahlen et al. 1995, Abb. 84; id. 2020, Abb. 276, 277, 279.

Sole of a shoe studded with nails. Zwahlen et al. 2007, cover.

Geophysical research in 2017 led to the discovery of more Roman buildings to the north.

Map with the newly discovered buildings (1-4). Buess-Zwahlen 2018, Abb. 7.

Houses and workshops
Mansio, gate and fortification
Bridge and harbour
