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Cities, villages, fortresses - Zürich - Winterthur-Oberwinterthur (Vitudurum) - Crafts and trade

The Kirchhügel area
The houses
Crafts and trade

Much evidence emerged of the work of artisans. On a fragment of a tombstone is a relief of a textile merchant, with a piece of cloth hanging over his left arm. Inscribed lead labels of goods were found near a tannery. Numbers and names can be read, but unfortunately the texts do not make it clear what the labels were attached to. Two wooden shoe lasts betray the presence of a shoemaker.

Tombstone of a textile merchant. Photo: Drack 1979(3), Abb. 1.

The excavation of one of the wooden shoe lasts. Photo: Jauch-Volken 2010, Abb. 5.

Sole of a wooden sandal. Photo: Jauch et al. 2022, Abb. 230.

The activity is documented of bakers, butchers, fullers, potters, and blacksmiths. The workshops were located in courtyards at the back of the houses. Not only locally produced objects were sold however. More than a third of the tableware in a depot of a pottery merchant, with more than 900 pieces of pottery, consisted of terra sigillata from the factory at La Graufesenque in the south of France. The shed with the depot was destroyed by a fire around 70 AD. As in Tasgetium (Eschenz TG) wooden barrels were found in which liquids were stored. They carry stamps, painted texts and carved texts: the names of the manufacturers of the barrels, of merchants and of owners, while numbers indicate the volume.

Wooden barrel. Q(uinti) ATTI GRATI can be read. EDCS-70900918. Photo: Hedinger-Leuzinger 2002, Abb. 4.

Click on the image to enlarge. Plan with remains of the settlement and indication of workshops. Jauch-Roth 2004, Abb. 1.

The Kirchhügel area
The houses
Crafts and trade
