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Cities, villages, fortresses - Zürich - Winterthur-Oberwinterthur (Vitudurum)

The Kirchhügel area
The houses
Crafts and trade

The story of Roman Oberwinterthur (the north-east part of Winterthur) begins in 1414, when an inscription was seen in Konstanz (Germany) that had been brought there from Oberwinterthur. It records the erection of the murus Vitudurensis, the "wall of Vitudurum", by the Emperors of the First Tetrarchy in late 293 or early 294 AD. Apparently a fortification had been built there. The work was carried out by Aurelius Proculus, governor of the province. The place is also mentioned in the Itinerarium Antonini, between Vindonissa (Windisch AG) and Ad Fines (Pfyn TG).

[I]MP(erator) CAES(ar) C(aius) AVRE(lius) VAL(erius) DIOCLETIAN[us pont(ifex) max(imus) Ger(manicus) max(imus)]
SAR(maticus) MAX(imus) PERS(icus) MAX(imus) TRIB(unicia) POT(estate) XI IM[p(erator) X co(n)s(ul) V p(ater) p(atriae) proco(n)s(ul) et]
IMP(erator) CAES(ar) M(arcus) AVR(elius) VAL(erius) MAXSIIMIA[nus pont(ifex) max(imus) Ger(manicus) max(imus) Sar(maticus)]
MAX(imus) PERS(icus) MAX(imus) TRIB(unicia) POT(estate) X IMP(erator) VIIII CO(n)[s(ul) IIII p(ater) p(atriae) proco(n)s(ul) P(ii) F(elices) Inv(icti) Augg(usti) et]
FL(avius) VAL(erius) CONSTANTIVS ET GAL(erius) VAL(erius) M[aximianus nobilissimi]
CAESS(ares) MVRVM VITVDVRENSEM A S[olo sumptu suo fecerunt(?)]
AVRELIO PROCVLO V(iro) P(erfectissimo) PR[aes(ide) prov(inciae)]
Limestone slab. W. 1.655, h. 0.74, d. 0.248. Seen in Konstanz (Germany) in 1414. Late 293 or early 294 AD.
Winterthur, Rathaus. EDCS-10800654; Kolb et al. 2022, nr. 417. Photo: Wikimedia, Roland zh.

Objects began to emerge in the early 18th century. In 1935 a gold ring was found with the inscription FIDEM CONSTANTINO, "Trust in Constantine" (EDCS-10900322). Remains of the fortification were excavated for the first time in 1949-1951, in the area of the church of St. Arbogast. From then on modern building activity necessitated many rescue excavations.

Oberwinterthur seen from the east in 1934. Photo: Wikimedia, ETH-Bibliothek.

Click on the image to enlarge. Plan of the remains of the settlement. Hagendorn - Pauli-Gabi 2005, Abb. 11.

Reconstruction of the settlement. Jauch et al. 2022, Abb.252.

The Kirchhügel area
The houses
Crafts and trade


Anzeiger für schweizerische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde 1,4-3 (1858), 35-38; Keller 1860, 280-285; Isler 1949; Isler 1951; Bloesch-Isler 1952; Laur-Belart 1968(2); Drack 1971(2); Drack 1973; Drack 1979(3); Drack 1980(4); Rütti 1980; Zürcher 1980; Clerici et al. 1982; Frei-Stolba 1984; Rychener et al. 1984; Ebnöther-Eschenlohr 1985; Fünfschilling et al. 1985; Rychener et al. 1986; Rychener et al. 1988; Rütti 1988; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 556-561; Etter et al. 1991; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 285-291; Deschler-Erb et al. 1996; Deschler-Erb 1996; Deschler-Erb et al. 1998; Hochuli-Gysel 1998; Hedinger et al. 2001; Pauli-Gabi et al. 2002; Hedinger-Leuzinger 2002; Brem-Hedinger-Leuzinger 2003; Hedinger 2004; Jauch-Roth 2004; Wild-Windler 2004; Hagendorn - Pauli-Gabi 2005; Jauch 2008; Jauch-Volken 2010; Jauch et al. 2010; Hartmann 2012; Jauch 2014; Roth-Janke 2016; Fuchs 2016; Frei-Stolba 2017; Jauch 2018; Jauch et al. 2022. Much of the literature about Vitudurum is not readily available.
