Regio I
House of the Wine Bar (I,II,5)
Shrine of Silvanus (I,III,2)
House of Diana (I,III,3-4)
House of the Mithraeum of Menander (I,III,5)
Mithraeum of Lucretius Menander (I,III,5)
House of Jupiter and Ganymede (I,IV,2)
House of the Infant Bacchus (I,IV,3)
House of the Paintings (I,IV,4)
Regio II
House of the Infant Hercules (II,VI,3-4)
House of the Painted Ceiling (II,VI,5-6)
Regio III
House and Mithraeum of the Painted Walls (III,I,6)
House of the Triple Windows (III,III,1)
House of the Painted Vaults (III,V,1)
House of the Nymphaeum (III,VI,1-3)
Garden Houses
House of the Priestesses (III,IX,6)
House of the Yellow Walls (III,IX,12)
House of the Muses (III,IX,22)
House of the Charioteers (III,X,1)
House of the Charioteers (III,X,1) - rooms 26-34
Baths of the Seven Sages (III,X,2)
House of Serapis (III,X,3)
Shop Building (III,XIV,1)
House of Annius (III,XIV,4)
Regio IV
Porticus and House of Hercules (IV,II,2-4)
Building IV,II,5
Inn of the Peacock (IV,II,6)
Buildings IV,II,9-14
House of the Eagle (IV,V,8)
Regio V
House of the Sun (V,VI,1)
Mithraeum of the Snakes (V,VI,6)
House of Themistocles (V,XI,2)
Burial places
Porta Laurentina necropolis