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Villas - Basel-Landschaft - Liestal-Munzach (Monciacum) - The buildings

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds

The complex was a large rectangle, bisected by a west-east road, surrounded by a wall (6). The main building (B) was located in the south-west corner of the complex. Along the north side and part of the south side were secondary buildings, such as houses for the personnel, sheds and stables (5). A structure to the east of the main building (4) has been interpreted as a storage building. To the west of the complex was the church of St. Laurentius (A), built on top of baths. From a small altar has been deduced that there was a sacred spring here.

Plan of the complex. Schmid 2016, 16.

The main building had a west and south wing. The living rooms were on the west side, behind a porticus (A; w. 3 m.). Rooms D, E and F, flanking corridor B, were equipped with hypocausts for heating. The walls were decorated with marble slabs and paintings. Room R had a hearth and must have been a kitchen. Room K was a cellar.

Plan of the main building. JbSGU 44 (1954-1955), Abb. 32.

Rooms C-F, flanking corridor B. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

On the south side were bathing rooms, two with hypocausts (S, T), while room V may have been the palaestra.

Rooms S-V in the south-west corner. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds
