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Villas - Basel-Landschaft - Liestal-Munzach (Monciacum) - The finds

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds

In the complex must have been fountains, witness a bronze water spout in the shape of a dolphin and a little fountain column of marble, decorated with ivy leaves.

A water spout in the shape of a dolphin (h. 0.495).
Found in 1974. Photo: Schmid 2016, 21.

Fountain column of Carrara marble (h. 0.50).
Found in room K. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

In the secondary buildings on the north side of the complex emerged a bronze eagle, standing on a globe, and a bronze figure of Attis, belonging to some vessel. Statuettes of Mercurius and Minerva were also found.

Bronze eagle (h. 0.055) and Attis (h. 0.10). Photos: Strübin 1956, Bild 37-38.

From the complex also comes a set of ankle cuffs, made of bronze, with part of the corresponding key.

Ankle cuffs and key. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

In the 1760's two funerary inscriptions were found in the foundations of the church of St. Laurentius, which was then being demolished. The former documents the burial of two sisters, Prima and Aurarica. The name of the latter could have been derived from the nearby Colonia Augusta Rauracorum (Augst), from the river Arura (Aare), or from the settlement Araura (Saint-Thibéry, France). The other inscription was made for Caius Indutius Sallustianus by his wife Claudia Victorinia.

LIB(erta) ANN(orum) XVI ET
ET MENS(ium) VI H(ic) S(itae) S(unt)
Prima, of Caius Coteius
freedwoman, 16 years old, and
her sister
Araurica, 1 year
and 6 months old, are buried here.
Their patron placed this.
Funerary inscription of Prima and Araurica (h. 0.51). EDCS-10800716; Kolb et al 2022, nr. 648.
Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds
