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Villas - Basel-Landschaft - Liestal-Munzach (Monciacum) - The mosaics

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds

In the main building six mosaics were found from the early third century. In porticus A and corridor B were black-and-white geometric mosaics.

The black-and-white mosaic in corridor B. Photo: Schmid 2016, Abb. 35.

In the heated living room E was a much damaged polychrome mosaic with a black-and-white border. In the centre were eight or nine tondos (the existence of the central one is uncertain), in one of which part of a peacock was preserved.

Reconstruction drawing of the mosaic in room E. Schmid 2016, Abb. 41.

In the heated living room F was another polychrome mosaic with a black-and-white border, and with a black-and-white rectangle on the west side. In the centre was a large circular area, in which part of a quadriga was preserved.

Reconstruction drawing of the mosaic in room F. Schmid 2016, Abb. 64.

Detail of the quadriga in room F. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

In room Z was another geometric black-and-white mosaic, in room W a black-and-white mosaic without any pattern.

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds
