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Villas - Basel-Landschaft - Liestal-Munzach (Monciacum) - Introduction

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds

An important villa was discovered in Munzach, to the north-west of Liestal: a complex of buildings measuring 150 x 350 m. There was a mediaeval village on top of the site, with a church of St. Laurentius. Around 800 AD this village was called Monzacha, in a document from 825 AD Monciacum, which might be the ancient name of the place. Excavations took place in the 1950's until the 1970's. The work was led by Theodor Strübin, a teacher from Liestal, with limited financial resources and with help from local people. Some additional work was done more recently. Part of the main building can still be seen, on the Bienentalstrasse.

View of the ruins as they appear today. Photo: Architektur Basel.

The remains of a first villa on the spot, from the early first century, were obliterated by the later buildings. These belong to the second and early third century. A few traces were found of a fire in the fourth century.

Reconstruction drawing of the complex. Photo: Archäologie Baselland.

A movie of the excavation in 1952.

The buildings
The mosaics
The finds


Strübin - Laur-Belart 1953; Strübin 1956; Von Gonzenbach 1961, 142-149; Ewald - Kaufmann-Heinimann 1978; Joos 1985; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 430-434; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 166-168; Schmid 2016.
