Reflections on Christian Ostia, by Maria Floriani Squarciapino
Christian Oratory of the Baths of Mithras (I,XVII,2) (Christian church)
Christian Oratory (II,VII,1) (church of Cyriacus)
Christian Basilica (III,I,4) (guest-house for pilgrims?)
Christian basilica (regio V) (of Constantine?)
Basilica on the Pianabella
Church of Sant'Ercolano
Church of Sant'Aurea
Christian church near the Villa "of Plinius"
[Objects and decoration]
Hall of the Good Shepherd (I,II,4) (relief of the Good Shepherd)
Baths of Neptune (II,IV,2) (mosaic with Christian symbols)
Hall of the Group of Mars and Venus (II,IX,3) (relief of Daniel)
Building with Opus Sectile (III,VII,8) (opus sectile with head of Christ)
House of the Fishes (IV,III,3) (mosaic with Christian symbols)
House of the Porch (V,II,4-5) (glass vessel with head of Christ)
[Possible destruction by Christians]
Shrine on the Square of the Lares
Guild Temple and Mithraeum of Fructosus (I,X,4)
Mithraeum of the Baths of Mithras (I,XVII,2)
Shrine of the Altar of the Twins (II,VII,3)
Temple of the Magna Mater (IV,I,1)
Sanctuary of Attis (IV,I,3)
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The Good Shepherd. Catacomb of Callixtus, Rome. Photo: Wikimedia.