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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Kaiseraugst (Castrum Rauracense) - Amphitheatre

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde

In 2021 an amphitheatre was discovered on the banks of the Rhine, immediately to the north-west of the fortress. It measures 50 x 40 meters and was built in a depression of an abandoned quarry. On the south side the remains of one of the two main gates were uncovered, flanked by two side entrances. The seats for the spectators were made of wood. The building has been assigned to the fourth century, based on the building material and a coin from the years 340-341 AD.

View of the excavation of the amphitheatre. South is up. Photo: Kantonsarchäologie Aargau.

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde
