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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Kaiseraugst (Castrum Rauracense) - Bridge and fortification to the north

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde

On the German side of the river Rhine a bridgehead and fortication were found, belonging to a bridge that formed the continuation of the central north-south road in the camp. The remains were studied for the first time in 1886 and 1889, and again in 1933. Remains of three round towers of a fortification were found, but the connecting wall had disappeared. The towers had a diameter of a little over eight meters, with walls that were two meters thick. The structure may have measured some 45 x 45 meters, with at least six towers. Around part of the structure ran a moat. Bricks with the stamp of Legio I Martia were found. Remains of the bridge itself, resting on stone piers, were seen in the 16th century, but have since disappeared.

Reconstruction drawing of the bridge and the fortification. Information panel.

Remains of a tower of the fortication, with Kaiseraugst in the background. Photo: Wikimedia, Latschari.

Remains of a tower of the fortification on a photo from 1933. Photo: Laur-Belart 1934, Abb. 46.

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde
