The fortress measured 292 x 142 x 267 x 155 meters (north-east-south-west). The defensive wall was 3.95 m. thick and must have been eight to ten meters high. It was later called "Heidenmauer" ("Heathen Wall"). It was made of stone and bricks, and contained much reused material: thresholds, column drums, capitals, parts of architraves, sculpture, and inscriptions. Kilns for bricks used by the Legio I Martia were found to the south of the fortress, at the locality Liebrüti.
On the east, south and west side were 20 polygonal towers, 7 meters wide and 20.5 meters apart. In the centre of each wall was a gate, flanked by towers. The passage in the gates was 2.3 meters wide. In the roads were gutters for wagons with an axle width of 1.63. At a distance of about 17 meters was a defensive ditch, 10 meters wide. The street between the north and south gate led to a bridge across the river Rhine. At least the west half of the east-west street was flanked by porticoes.
The town centre of Kaiseraugst, with part of the defensive wall and an information panel about the fortress.
Photo: Wikimedia, Roland Zumbuehl.
Part of the defensive wall. Photo: Wikimedia, Mikatu.
Part of the defensive wall, as seen in 1953. Photo: Wikimedia, Archäologie und Museum Baselland.In 1958 a torso of a statue of Venus was found, reused in the defensive wall. It is made of limestone and has been dated to the third century. It shows traces of fire, which may have resulted from the events around 260 AD. The statue is now in the Römermuseum in Augst.
The statue of Venus (preserved h. 0.54 m.) and a reconstruction drawing. Photo: Berger 1958, Abb. 49 and 53.
The statue of Venus seen from the side and from behind. Photo: Berger 1958, Abb. 50 and 51.