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Cities, villages, fortresses - Aargau - Kaiseraugst (Castrum Rauracense) - Buildings inside the fortress

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde

In the north-west part of the fortress baths were found, known as "Rheinthermen". In a western section could be identified: a dressing room, a cold room with a basin, two lukewarm rooms, a warm room with a basin in an apse, and perhaps a sweating room. An eastern section is made up of a row of rooms with apses and raised floors. Amongst the finds were many hairpins, beads and bracelets, pointing to use by women. From numerous coins has been deduced that the baths were built in the last quarter of the third century, but it has also been suggested that the building is contemporaneous with the fortress.

Plan of the baths. Pfammatter-Sütterlin 2015, Abb. 30.
A = apodyterium; B = basin; C= caldarium; F = frigidarium; P = praefurnium; S = sudatorium; T = tepidarium.

View of the lukewarm rooms and warm room (tepidaria and caldarium) from 1975. Photo: Wikimedia.

In the south-west part of the fortress remains have been excavated of what may have been the staff building (principia) and of a warehouse (horreum), measuring 34.5 x 17.5 m. and apparently for grain as suggested by a raised wooden floor. In between is a building with two parallel halls, each measuring 30 x 15 meters.

A dedication by a dispensator horreorum, "manager of a warehouse",
found in 1900 in the area of the fortress. Photo: EDCS-12300044.

Wall and gates
Bridge and fortification to the north
Buildings inside the fortress
Church and Christian burials
Buildings at locality Schmidmatt
The silver hoard
Temple at locality Flühweghalde
